# Ref:- /kra-data/setup/downloads/services/logharbour # cd /kra-data/ndml-kra.devops/setup/services/dev/logharbour # copy logharbour deployment files and log-consumer and log-producer images in a working directory - docker load < private-repo:5000/lhconsumer:latest - docker load < private-repo:5000/lhproducer:latest # push docker image to private registry - docker push private-repo:5000/lhconsumer:latest - docker push private-repo:5000/lhproducer:latest # check namespaces kubectl get ns # open the lh-consumer-dev.yaml, lh-consumer-qa.yaml and lh-consumer-uat.yaml file and update the following parameters: - namespace: kafka - ELASTICSEARCH_ADDRESSES - ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX - KAFKA_BROKERS - KAFKA_TOPIC # open the lh-producer.yaml file and update the following parameters: - namespace: kafka - KAFKA_BROKERS - KAFKA_TOPIC # deploy the files by below command kubectl apply -f lh-consumer-dev.yaml -n kafka kubectl apply -f lh-consumer-qa.yaml -n kafka kubectl apply -f lh-consumer-uat.yaml -n kafka # output deployment.apps/lhconsumer-dev configured deployment.apps/lhconsumer-qa configured deployment.apps/lhconsumer-uat configured # confirmed deployment by running below command kubectl get all -n kafka --------------------- (will give pods, deployment and service data) # check whether pods are in running state or not NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/lhconsumer-6d4f8c55df-s96pt 1/1 Running 0 2d pod/lhconsumer-qa-6f6578787d-7mkqw 1/1 Running 0 3h36m pod/lhconsumer-uat-65488c4f4b-qttsh 1/1 Running 0 3h36m NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/lhconsumer 1/1 1 1 2d deployment.apps/lhconsumer-qa 1/1 1 1 3h36m deployment.apps/lhconsumer-uat 1/1 1 1 3h36m # check logs using below command kubectl logs -n kafka