# Test-case - copy IP address of node and port no., and paste it to browser. e.g. http://:/ - Dashboard will open, login with below credentials username : admin password : Kra@admin - Go to 'Administration' > 'stats and licenses' > 'manage data sources' - check whether any data sources are their or not, if not click on 'Add new data source' - Select 'service' > 'prometheus' > add service url of prometheus into connection (e.g. http://prometheus-service.prometheus.svc.cluster.local:8081 or http://:) - click on 'save and test', you will get below response. "Successfully queried the Prometheus API. Next, you can start to visualize data by building a dashboard, or by querying data in the Explore view." - Now, navigate to top right corner, click on 'create dashboard' > 'Add visualization' > select 'prometheus' > select metric 'scrape duration seconds' > click on 'apply' and 'save dashboard'. - You can check dashboard in dashboard section- 'Home > Dashboard'.